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A note from our Founder, Jake Walker:

When the pandemic hit in early 2020, like millions of other theatre artists, I lost all my work, and all prospects of work for the foreseeable future. I had a little savings, but not much, and when that ran out, I had no idea how I would pay rent till my unemployment kicked in. I put out the call for help and in two days, the people in my community completely covered me. I’ve wanted to create something like TCF for some time, but this was my call to action; to create a way for any local theatre artist to have access to the same help I received.


KC is a theatre town, and it’s been my home for 30 years. I was in my first equity show at The Unicorn in 2001. I was in my first Shakespeare production here. I got my equity card at The Coterie. A lot of local theatre folks have the same story. We make homes and lives and families here. We get to know the people in the audience, we see them at the grocery store, or at the movie theatre. The theatre community in KC is a buzzing little eco system, everyone relying on each other in some way.


At some point, we all need help, and we all are capable of making a difference in someone else's life. TCF was created to serve as a lightning rod for the generosity that already courses through our community, connecting the helpers with folks in need, grounded in the knowledge that we are all here to take care of each other. And that’s that.


Jake Walker

TCF Founder

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